ДП «Держзовнішінформ» здійснює моніторинг цін на зовнішньому і внутрішньому ринках, згідно з наказом Міністерства розвитку і торгівлі України.               Інформаційно-аналітичні продукти компанії включені Державною податковою службою України до переліку джерел інформації для отримання котирувальних цін.               Нормативно-правові акти

Бізнес-плани для перспективного та стабільного бізнесу.               14 червня 2021 року підписано меморандум про співробітництво між ДП “Держзовнішінформ” та Держмитслужбою

Інформаційно-аналітична довідка щодо аналізу цін та товарних ринків

  ДП «Держзовнішінформ» інформує про можливість замовлення послуги з отримання щомісячної інформаційно-аналітичної довідки щодо аналізу цін та товарних ринків.  «Інформаційно-аналітична ...

Americans are to produce electric cables in Kherson

The company Delphi Corporation the US branch is planning to start the production of electric cables in the Kherson region, as reported by the press service of the Kherson State Administration. In ...

First transit through Ukraine in route of the new Silk Road can commence till the end of the year 

First transit of goods through the territory of Ukraine as the new route of the Silk Road can commence at the end of the year or in the beginning of the next. This information has been revealed ...

Export Promotion Office is launching an educational program for exporters. Export Revolution. Ukraine

Export Promotion Office of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (MERT) is launching a two-year educational course for exporters named: “Export Revolution. Ukraine.” The ...

Ukrainian embassy in the Islamic Republic of Iran is extending an invitation to visit exhibitions and trade fairs in Iran

From November 29, 2017, and untill January 6, 2018, in the city of Teheran, Iran exhibitions and trade fairs will take place and the organizers are extending an invitation to Ukrainian companies ...

Steel production breakdown by method in October 2017

In October 2017 the main method of steel production is oxygen-blown process accounting for 71.7% or 1.36 million tons out of the total of 1.896 million tons. The second place is held by the ...

Ukraine agreed to increase the shipments of grains to China

Last week the State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine headed by its Chairman Dmitry Gavrish has held official meetings with the Chinese corporation CCEC (China National Complete Engineering ...

Ukraine started to produce unique black garlic

The company MP Garlic from the city Dnepr first time ever started the production of black fermented garlic. Black garlic is produced in accordance with the classic Asian recipe using natural ...

International Symposium of Logistics, Transit, and Warehousing “SITTEM 2017”

On December 9-10, 2017, in Algeria, an International Symposium will be held covering the issues of Logistics, Transit, and Warehousing “SITTEM 2017”. Reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ...

New possibilities for Ukrainian exporters to the USA

On June 29, 2017, the Office of the United States Trade Representative has published amendments introduced to the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). For all the countries that enjoy the ...