ДП «Держзовнішінформ» здійснює моніторинг цін на зовнішньому і внутрішньому ринках, згідно з наказом Міністерства розвитку і торгівлі України.               Інформаційно-аналітичні продукти компанії включені Державною податковою службою України до переліку джерел інформації для отримання котирувальних цін.               Нормативно-правові акти

Бізнес-плани для перспективного та стабільного бізнесу.               14 червня 2021 року підписано меморандум про співробітництво між ДП “Держзовнішінформ” та Держмитслужбою

Evaluation of Price terms as to the fair market level in regard to Agreements, Contracts on Goods, Services, Assets, and Intellectual rights usage

(Укр) Проведення експертизи цінових умов та надання висновку про відповідність/невідповідність між вартістю продукції/роботи/послуги/активу (у тому числі цінних паперів та корпоративних прав), заявленою в правочині/рахунку-фактурі/актах виконаних робіт, і її (його) справедливою ринковою ціною, що склалася на ринку ідентичних, а за їх відсутності – однорідної продукції/роботи/послуги/активу (у тому числі цінних паперів та корпоративних прав).

Evaluation of Price terms as to the fair market level in regard to Agreements, Contracts on Goods, Services, Assets, and Intellectual rights usage.

Price terms evaluation and provision of the conclusion as to the compliance or non-compliance as to the cost of Goods, Labor involved, Services rendered, Assets (including Securities and Equity) set forth in legally binding documents, invoices, service acceptance acts to the true and correct market value to the identical or in the case of lack of such to the similar Goods, Labor involved, Services rendered, Assets (including Securities and Equity)

To make the expertise and provide the conclusion hereof the following documents are to be submitted to DZI:

  1. Application Letter (original), that should include:
    • Company name or Organization name or Establishment name; State Registration number; Individual Tax Number; Contact person details: (i) Name, Position, with verification documents for Legal entities, phone number, e-mail address; (ii) Passport details with verified copies, for Physical persons or Private entrepreneurs, Personal identification number, state registration number for private entrepreneurs, letter from Unified State Register or documents proving that the applicant is a tax payer; (iii) all the mentioned documents are submitted initially or when the documents were changed and/or modified.
    • Contract number, Subject-Matter of the contract (type of service) and price;
    • Reference material on the trustworthiness of submitted information and documents;
    • Consent to use, keep, and process the information provided;
    • Payment guaranty clause.
  2. Original or copy of documents that describe the terms and conditions, details of the evaluated subject and/or contract:
    • Foreign purchase agreement/contract with all appendices and amendments to, which constitute the whole matter for application; other relevant documents that can be provided to make the evaluation;
    • Acceptance acts for services rendered/work complete/ goods delivered/ assets received;
    • Invoices according to which the payment should be made;
    • Documents that govern the price calculation for goods/services/ work/ assets i.e. cost breakdown, budgeting, and list prices that are used when setting the contract/agreement price;
    • Report on the value of the intellectual rights used.

The above-mentioned list of documents is not comprehensive or final, should the submitted documents disable to make the correct and exact price evaluation of the agreement, DZI shall have the right to request additional relevant information to the matter.

DZI can request to provide certified copies of documents or originals.

Documents in Russian or English languages do not need translation in other cases DZI can ask for a Ukrainian translation of the documents.

The Customer is responsible for the submitted documents (information) to be true, correct and valid (copy or original).

The evaluation is made within 7 business days.  Should the case be that the experts need more clarification the time may be extended, but in any case, the Customer is notified of the development of said circumstances.

Should the Customer need the evaluation to be done faster, it has to be stated in the Application Letter, after the negotiations between the parties to understand the scope of the matter and reaching an agreement on the price of the service, the time can be decreased.

To facilitate the evaluation process the Letter of Application can be submitted by e-mail to dzi@dzi.gov.ua but with an obligatory delivery of the original Application Letter by post to DZI.

Notice. The maximum size of one e-mail is 7 MB.