The start of the new 2018/19 season on the Ukrainian rape export market is distinguished by active trade, which is directly connected to the early start of harvesting and high progress rates.
As a result, the first two months of the season have renewed the July and August highs, 329.4 thousand tons and 585.2 thousand tons of rape were shipped to foreign customers, respectively. Generally, for two months of the new season, exports reached a record level of 914.7 thousand tons.
It is expected that this trend will continue throughout the season. According to experts opinion, the export potential of 2018/19 MY is estimated at a new record level.
The preeminent export destination of Ukrainian rapeseed is the EU, the share of which increased to 86%. Pakistan resumed buying rapeseed from Ukraine in 2017/18 season and remains among the leading destinations for this season as well reaching 7% from total exports. The same share of the market belongs to the UAE.