Бізнес-плани для перспективного та стабільного бізнесу.               14 червня 2021 року підписано меморандум про співробітництво між ДП “Держзовнішінформ” та Держмитслужбою

Бізнес-плани для перспективного та стабільного бізнесу.               14 червня 2021 року підписано меморандум про співробітництво між ДП “Держзовнішінформ” та Держмитслужбою
Posted 28.04.2015

Demand for Turkish reinforcement steel bars stays moderate as prices rise for scrap metal

According to the market operators rebar producers are going to increase the prices on their production in May to reflect the price increase on the square sections and scrap on the market. According the field experts, the price increase can be up to 10 with the product price being in range of 445-450 $/tn, FOB.

It should be noted that some industry experts  have serious doubts that Turkish producers will be able to increase the price that much, because despite the price increase in scrap and section products, the purchasing power of rebars in the Persian region remains weak. Also, Chinese producers don't have any intensions on increasing their prices.

Hence Turkish producers face a challenging market, where they will try to persuade the buyers accept higher prices to compensate for the fact that scrap metal is now more expensive.